My work style is like POP art and street culture.
Mostly my illustration is digital drawing
(In case of need - many color and excess element technique & big size.).
Sometimes 'simple line & typography' style illustration is used the pen on paper.
Sometimes 'simple line & typography' style illustration is used the pen on paper.
Main theme is 'emotion' & 'easy drawing technique like kids'.
I hate to ostentation about aesthetic sense.
Just simply, my purpose is communion with people.
I hate to ostentation about aesthetic sense.
Just simply, my purpose is communion with people.

Drawing about "Emotion : when we are girl & boy".
Digital work.

a Spring Breeze
Drawing about "Breeze".
pen & pencil on graphic print
420 x 297 mm, 297 x 420 mm
Drawing about "Breeze".
pen & pencil on graphic print
420 x 297 mm, 297 x 420 mm

angry & a vacant look
Drawing about "Emotion".
Digital work.

Drawing about "Communion of love".
Digital work.

Drawing about "Beautiful girl".
Digital work.

WAVE series
Drawing about "Wave".
Pen on paper.

I'm an angel to everyone,
but I'll become a devil only to you.
Drawing about "Sincerely".
Digital work.